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CCSD Schools Score High for School Climate

CCSD Schools Score High for School Climate

Cherokee County School District schools continue to score high among their community members for fostering a positive school climate and culture!

The District earned a four-star average on the five-star scale in the Georgia Department of Education’s annual ratings, which measure how a community views the quality of its school’s culture and character; the highest possible rating is five stars.  The rating is based on a survey of students, parents and teachers; student discipline issue rates; and daily attendance.

Positive school climates, according to research shared by the GaDOE, lead to more students feeling socially?, emotionally and physically safe, as well as better test scores and graduation rates.

“Our schools’ culture and climate affects students in every way – from academic performance to self-esteem to parent involvement, and it’s just as important to our employees’ success and well-being to feel valued and included,” Superintendent of Schools Dr. Brian V. Hightower said.  “We’re proud of these scores, but know we can do even better.  For the first time, we’ve made Positive Culture and Climate a priority area in our strategic plan, which shows how important it is to our School Board and me to maintain a strong sense of family in our schools.”

Creekland Middle School continued to carry a perfect five-star score, and, for the first time, every CCSD middle and high school earned four stars.  Only one CCSD school scored a three: R.M. Moore Elementary School STEM Academy, which experienced significant enrollment and demographic changes last school year with the consolidation of Canton Elementary School.
